Home Away from Home? Boarding Your Pet for the First Time

Home away from home? It’s likely that you’ve made plans to travel and either found someone to watch your pets or boarded them in a kennel or doggy daycare/resort facility. If you’ve never done this before, there are some things to do when finding a reputable kennel or pet boarding service for your furbaby:

  1. Do your research, including reading reviews online
    Reading the firsthand experiences other pet parents have had with a facility and their staff is the logical first step in your decision-making process. Reading Facebook and Yelp reviews, for example, can give you a very clear picture. Bear in mind that any negative reviews are people’s opinions and you may not have the same experience. What to do #2 expands on this.
  2. Visit the kennel before committing
    If you’ve made a shortlist of kennels or boarding facilities, the next step is to visit them before committing to your pet’s stay. Don’t inquire about booking before you visit the site yourself. That way you can see the play area and kennels and meet the staff who you may entrust your pet’s care with while you’re away.
  3. Prep your pet for their experience
    Once you’ve decided and have booked your pet’s stay, make sure to do all you can to prepare your pet. Many boarding facilities will ask that your pet is up to date on their vaccinations (and may require proof), and they’ll want to know if you pet is socialized (in case they offer group play with other pets). You’ll also want to make sure you provide the facility all the information you possibly can (provide their food and medications, share their personality quirks, likes/dislikes, etc.). Lastly, make sure you leave “in case of emergency” instructions.

If you’ve never boarded your pet before, this list of reminders is a good place to start when preparing for their stay. When you choose a boarding facility or kennel, their staff will surely help you understand the process and experience your pet will have while you’re gone, as well as what information they need from you. Many even have webcams or other ways to check in on your beloved furbaby, giving you peace of mind that they’re happy and comfortable in your absence.

Have you boarded your pet before? What was your experience?