Independence Day Pet Safety Tips

The Fourth of July is one holiday that can bring a lot of stress for your pets. From fireworks to summer temperatures, travel dangers and even holiday foods unhealthy for dogs and cats, we wanted to take the opportunity to remind you of some important safety tips.

Fourth of July Akita
  1. Make sure your pet has their ID tags with up-to-date contact info.
  2. If your pet isn’t microchipped, consider having it done!
  3. Properly secure any areas where your pets will be in case they get scared and try to escape.
  4. Leave your pets at home when you go to parties, fireworks displays, community gatherings, etc.
  5. Provide your pets ample water and shade when its hot outside, and know the signs that your pet may be overheating.
  6. Never leave your pet in the car when it is warm outside!
  7. Check your yard for firework debris – your pets might play with it or even try to eat it.

Find more info from the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).